Art for a Better World
Briginging academics and artists together for positive social change
Virtual exhibition: Art for a Better World, Kirkleatham Museum, Redcar, 2024
Supported by the Open Societal Challenges Fund, King's College London and the British Association for the Study of Religions, the Open University, King’s College London and Pitik Bulag cartoon collective organised Artists and Academics Addressing Global Challenges, a competition to bring together outreach-focused academics and cartoonists to collaborate on a series of images that make the latest research about pressing social challenges accessible to general audiences.
Together with a visual foreword, their resultant works are touring a range of academic conventions and art exhibitions over the course of 2024-2025. In June-July 2024, they appeared as part of Art for a Better World, at Kirkleatham Museum. As part of that exhibition, we incorporated artwork produced in our workshop with local Year 10 students, who produced art on the social issues that matter to them. You can find out more about exhibitions on the website of the Democracy, Disinformation and Religion project that led to this collaboration.
Art against Disinformation - Visual foreword - Precious Chatterje-Doody, Paul-François Tremlett and Christian Mirra
The Tool against Disinformation - Ferdinand L. Sanchez II, Juan Felix and Robert Komiks
Plandemic: Contextualising Covid-19 Scepticism in St Lucia - Joseph Powell and Victor Ndula
Firefly - Rosie Walters and Stellina Chen
The (Urban Refugees') Scream - Deena Dajani and Bozorgmehr Hosseinpour
Z Generation - Allyson Edwards, Jenny Mathers and Oleh Smal